Describe all the copy used on the images. What education level does the language suggest? Are there any metaphors, similes, allusions and other literary techniques used?

Coca-Cola marketing Campaign Describe the company and product featured, dates of the campaign, primary mediums used. Describe the fonts, colors, imagery/photos, and what they are meant to do. What ideas do they illustrate to the audience? Do they reference popular culture, history, etc.? How do the elements work together? What works well and what needs […]

Which do you think is the most accurate idea of popular culture?

1. Popular culture as mass culture says that popular culture is mindless trash requiring no critical thinking and minimal attention. 2. Popular culture as “getting better” where in the process of consuming popular culture [TV shows, movies, You tube videos, video games, for example] we see ourselves as needing to get above it, seeking those […]

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