Select a company you admire that experienced a major change in organizational culture. Explain that change and the circumstances surrounding that change. Explain how you can learn from this change.

Select a company you admire that experienced a major change in organizational culture. Explain that change and the circumstances surrounding that change. Explain how you can learn from this change.

Discuss what you find similar, different, and surprising interesting. Use course concepts to defend your position for an ‘educated’ response.

Movie Analysis: This research paper is intended to be both fun and educational. Watch any one of the fictionalized Hollywood movies listed below. Compare and contrast the business concepts, especially the international aspects, and themes portrayed with the material in our text or any ‘real’ organization you are familiar with or your personal experiences. Discuss […]

Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.

Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States . Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade. Describe the health care organization or network. Describe the organization’s overall readiness […]

How would you co-create culture with a team you just inherited? With a new team, you are building?How will you ensure that this team culture aligns itself with the greater organizational culture?

Please write a reflection paper addressing the following questions: Define culture or organization culture in your own words. How would you assess the Culture of an organization you recently join? How would you co-create culture with a team you just inherited? With a new team, you are building? How will you ensure that this team […]

What is your philosophy and does it align with what you are currently doing?How is it possible to be effective in all of these areas?

LDR 3115: Contemporary Issues in Leadership Introduction Week 2 Contemporary Issues in Leadership accomplish or does it stunt the organization’s ability to be the best it can be?One of the elements of culture is adaptation–how people deal with external forces and the need to change . This aligns directly with the readings from Adaptive Leadership. […]

Define three different kinds of power, and describe how power affects the relationships between people of different disciplines  in a health-care organization.

Assignment: The assignment is a discussion question Reply. Please reply to two classmates. Replies to classmates should be a minimum of 200 words in length. This is designed to enhance the academic discussion around the topic. It is all right to disagree with something posted by another, however your responses should always be thoughtful and […]

Identify three companies that have engaged in ethical violations/unethical practices in their business operations.

1. Describe what is organizational culture and explain why it is important. 2. Identify three companies that have engaged in ethical violations/unethical practices in their business operations. 3.Describe briefly how the leaders and other stakeholders of the organizations were affected.

Are there any indicators of United Booksellers’ service culture? If so, what are they?

You have assumed a new role in customer service at United Booksellers. The organization has been heralded for its high-quality service and friendly atmosphere. The facilities are nice, and the efficiency and helpfulness of the employees are notable. Each store has its own coffee shop where patrons can relax and read. The organization employs 3,000 […]

What is the full APA-style citation for your article?

Pick anyone you choose to follow instructions. Go to UWO’s online library journal database titled “Business Source Premier” and search for an OB-related article in Harvard Business Review. You can search for terms like job performance, organizational commitment, motivation, occupational stress, teamwork, leadership, organizational culture, etc. to find OB-related articles. Try to find an article […]

Describe the ideal background and experience needed for company leaders to foster a culture of creativity and innovation.

Creativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human resources (HR) can foster a creative culture. For this assignment, assume the role of HR manager. The HR […]

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