Are there points you want to add or go more in-depth with to support your thesis? Did you proofread for mechanical errors?

Write an organized essay that has both focus and shape. 1. Do some brainstorming, free writing, reaction, etc. to come up with an essay topic. It could be a topic from your Reader Response in the last Unit, or it can be a whole different topic. 2. When you get a specific topic, create a […]

Demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationship between at least four stages of the woolen trade process.

Your essay must: Be at least 600 words long. Please do not exceed 1000 words, if possible. Be written in formal English and absent of major grammar/spelling/mechanical errors which seriously detract from the argument presented. Demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationship between at least four stages of the woolen trade process. New developments in agriculture allowed farmers […]

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