Identify an emerging concept such as reverse logistics, green logistics, etc. and analyze its impact on the future of transportation and logistics management.

Reverse Logistics The Final Research Project will be 20-25 pages and due in week 8. The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract, and a reference page. The project will demonstrate the knowledge acquired through course work completed to date. The project is an application of this knowledge and requires the student […]

Critically analyse the impact of logistics and the supply chain on ROI for your chosen organisation.Evaluate your chosen organisation’sout sourcing in terms of competence and competition.

Supply Chain Management–Briefing Notes How to achieve a good grade:(1)Introduction •What types of supply chain relationships are therein your chosen organisation? •How integrated and/or collaborative are these supply chain relationships and do they employ IT systems to aid integration and collaboration? •Critically examine ways in which supply chain relationships can be improved in your chosen […]

Evaluate contemporary research in Logistics and Project management taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of the subjects.

Advance project and logistic management. Evaluate contemporary research in Logistics and Project management taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of the subjects. Analyze critically advances in Project and Programme management focusing on value generation including Agile, Lean and Benefits Management. Critically review world-class innovations and emerging technologies in Logistics(i.e. Additive Manufacturing, Big data analytics, drones […]

What are the types of warehouse ownership arrangements?What are the two major components of LOGISTICS and briefly define them?What are (give four) the main functions of a warehouse?

1. What are the two major components of LOGISTICS and briefly define them? 2. What are the types of warehouse ownership arrangements? 3. What are (give four) the main functions of a warehouse? 4. Give the main types of packaging techniques for efficiency?

Discuss the similarities and differences in process steps and resource utilization between forward and reverse logistics processes.

Products returned for reverse logistics processing utilize some of the same process cycle steps as forward logistics. . Discuss the similarities and differences in process steps and resource utilization between forward and reverse logistics processes. . Discuss the difference between transportation and logistics functions in reverse logistics.

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