What is the purpose of your critical media analysis? Specifically what theme and story is being shared?

1. Introduction: What is the purpose of your critical media analysis? Specifically what theme and story is being shared? 2. Share details related to the print and video ad. For example, what is the ad about? Also, who is the intended audience? 3. Comparison/Contrast: What is the purpose of the ad? 4. Your Analysis: What […]

What do you hope to accomplish in reaching this intended audience? How will you appeal to your audience’s desires and sensitivities?

Your argument must consider who, exactly, you’re writing to, and why. What do you hope to accomplish in reaching this intended audience? How will you appeal to your audience’s desires and sensitivities? Let’s return to the vaping ban example once again. And let’s say you’re writing to support the continued campus-wide vaping ban. We know […]

What argument does it make about the past? Intended audience? Who is expected to be persuaded by the argument the collection makes?

The historical subject that is conveyed in the exhibit and how it is conveyed . These first two points should be made very briefly, as a simple matter of fact. Points a. and b. should be no longer than one page, combined. What argument does it make about the past? Intended audience? Who is expected […]

What evidence does the author provide to explain the supporting points or ideas?What is the subject of the article?

1. What type of article is this? (Factual, opinion, current event, interview, how to article, etc.) 2. What publication did it appear in? 3. What is the subject of the article? 4. Who is the author? What do you know about him/her? 5. Who is the intended audience for the article? 6. Is there anything […]

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