Analyze the impact of industrialization on the lives of workers and farmers. How did people organize to challenge the new industrial elite? To what degree were these efforts successful?

Write a well-developed essay on one of the questions below. Your essay should display a firm understanding of the major trends regarding the topic backed by appropriate specific examples . Since this is a “take home” assignment, you should also take time to correct spelling and grammatical errors. Your final essay should be well thought […]

State whether the death penalty should be abolished and why.

Death Penalty Position Paragraph Your task is to write a paragraph that argues your position on the death penalty. In your argument, you must draw upon ethical theories, concepts, and reasoning to support your position. State whether the death penalty should be abolished and why. Apply at least one ethical theory to support your position. […]

How well did you show your understanding in your own words?Is the report free of grammatical errors and typos?

Written Report Grading. Summary of the article How well did you show your understanding in your own words? Is the report free of grammatical errors and typos? Submission of two relevant journal papers Were the submitted articles actually relevant? Did you show that he/she had read the related articles?

Describe the topic of the journal article you selected and why it is of interest to you.What concepts introduced in this course are applicable to the journal article topic you selected and your life?

PURPOSE This assignment introduces you to basic research skills and application of concepts you have learned in this class about American Politics and government in the form of a critique. These research skills will be of benefit to you in other courses that require research assignments. You will review political science literature and analyze the […]

What innovative strategy do you recommend to keep the company viable? Why should leaders believe your innovative strategy will work?

Innovation Defined Conduct a google search for companies that have either closed or are in distress. Write a 2.5 page assessment of the company to the CEO and Board of Directors. The goal of the paper is to write an argumentative essay (Links to an external site.) convincing the leaders to keep the company open. […]

What external institutions/actors helped create support for the changes? What institutions/actors resisted the changes?

Write a 500 word essay reflecting back on the video you watched this week, “The Education of Michelle Rhee.” The Education of Michelle Rhee Address the following in your paper: Who is Michelle Rhee? Identify and describe two major reforms she sought to put in place. What external institutions/actors helped create support for the changes? […]

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