How are teachers prepared to recognise ADHD/ Do they know the symptoms present differently between girls and boys?

Are girls with ADHD/ADD overlooked and underdiagnosed because of their gender? My research questions are1. What effects does ADHD in girls have on learning? 2. How are teachers prepared to recognise ADHD/ Do they know the symptoms present differently between girls and boys? 3. How does this effect inclusivity in schools?

What is at least one way in which racial inequality is different in the USA between the 20th and 21st centuries?Why is classical theory important to contemporary sociological theory?

Contemporary Sociological Theory 1.What is sociological theory? 2. Why is classical theory important to contemporary sociological theory? 3. Why is class an important issue in society? 4. What is the difference between “gender” and “sex”? 5. What is at least one problem or issue with “social media”? 6. What is at least one way in […]

What social sanctions occur when someone does not do gender according to social norms? In what ways has this changed historically?

Seminar Questions 1. Describe what it means to “do gender”. 2. Look around our virtual classroom, your workplace, or think back to your last family gathering. In what ways are your classmates and instructor, coworkers, manager, and patrons/clients, or relatives doing gender? 3. What social sanctions occur when someone does not do gender according to […]

What is your Gender Expression? How do you outwardly express what your Gender Identity is? In any or all of: dress, look, communication, body language, behavior, attitude, etc? Has it changed from the past? Does it fluctuate today?

Answer the Following questions. What is your sex? This can be genetic, or assigned at birth. Are/were you comfortable with it? What is your Gender Identity? Why do/did you choose this? DO you feel that you chose it, or that it chose you ? When in your life did you know or realize this was […]

Develop a correlation matrix. Which independent variables have strong or weak correlations with the dependent variable?

Refer to the Wage data which reports information on annual wages for a sample of 100 workers. This data set includes variables relating to industry, years of education, and the gender for each worker. Determine the regression equation using annual wage as the dependent variable and year of education, gender, years of work experience, age […]

Identity construction involves both the personal and the social sphere’. In your essay, discuss this statement with reference to on of the following categories of identity: gender, class, sexuality.

With reference to module materials and suggested readings, you are required to write a 1500-word essay addressing the following topic: ‘Identity construction involves both the personal and the social sphere’. In your essay, discuss this statement with reference to on of the following categories of identity: gender, class, sexuality.

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