Evaluate the credibility of professional citation, research design, and procedures in a research article. 

Critical Evaluation of Qualitative or Quantitative Research Study  Read:  Stevens, K., (2013) The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18,(2), Manuscript 4. doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No02Man04 Critically evaluate either Study 3 or Study 4.  Evaluate the credibility of professional citation, research design, and procedures in a research article.  […]

Identify potential threats to the validity of the research example. If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice?

Read post below. In response to your peer, Identify potential threats to the validity of the research example. If the study can still be considered valid, how might the results be used to change nursing practice? Quantitative research helps to determine cause and effect associations between variables. It uses numerical data to test an objective […]

Utilizing at least one additional scholarly article, describe actions you might take to address barriers to implementing EBP that you might anticipate in an area of interest to you.

Evidence based practice / Theory The ability to effectively defend your opinion or point of view, with sound evidence, is an increasingly important skill for nurses. Online debates provide an opportunity to learn how to effectively argue a point of view on a particular topic, while drawing from the available evidence and resources. Research has […]

Explore the use of evidence-based practice and how it is incorporated into case management patient care guidelines and pathways. 

Using your chosen chronic illness from the list below, Hypertension Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diabetes Mellitus type 2 Childhood Asthma you will explore the use of evidence-based practice and how it is incorporated into case management patient care guidelines and pathways. Identify and discuss current best practices. Address the importance of basing case management on […]

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