Develop a list of mock interview questions and responses.

Mock Interview question and answers   In preparation for the Week 7 Recorded Interview assignment, this week you will be developing a list of mock interview questions and responses. The goal is to prepare and practice to be able to look directly into the camera without needing to rely on notes for your recorded interview. […]

What fashion styles have you observed lately?  Write an essay classifying people based on how they dress. 

Rhetorical Strategy Options: classification and division description exemplification (illustration)   Classification and division:  Do not use existing categories.  Create your own.  For example, if you were classifying physicians you would not want to classify them according to their field of study.  That is how doctors are often classified.  Instead, you could classify doctors according to […]

Write one five-paragraph essay of 400 to 500 words arguing either in favor of or against the statement, “All scientific evidence is equally strong.

Hierarchy   Write one five-paragraph essay of 400 to 500 words arguing either in favor of or against the statement, “All scientific evidence is equally strong. ” You may write either a Reasons/Arguments essay OR an Examples essay. For either type essay, remember the following steps: Begin by jotting down your three Reasons/Arguments or your […]

Compose 2- 3 pages on Word in which you synthesize the information on your literature review chart.

The problem of the study Download the blank literature review chart template . Download the example literature review chart . This contains information from only one article. Search journals and other academic resources for research that supports your research question and proposal. Record information from five resources in the literature review chart. List your name […]

Write about any topic you wish within the category of technology.

The positive effects technology is having in the medical field. Directions for ENGL 101 Essay #3 – Describing a Larger Conversation First In your first essay assignment, you had the opportunity to summarize one article. In your second essay assignment, you entered a conversation by analyzing a relationship you see between two essays that address […]

Select and review one article from the provided, and to describe and critique the evaluation.

Program Evaluation – Midterm Mid-term paper: You are asked to select and review one article from the provided, and to describe and critique the evaluation. Your paper should be no more than 4 page long, double spaced. It should specifically address the following issue and question: A brief description of the program, the problem(s), the […]

Discuss what sources you would use to decide on what to do about furthering your education.

Writing Assignment: Information Source Analysis Using the six questions for examining a source’s reliability, discuss what sources you would use to decide on what to do about furthering your education. In no less than five paragraphs, compile a list of at least five reliable resources and give your explanation about why or how you know […]

How does Greenblatt navigate the negative associations that cling to the character of Shylock?

How does Greenblatt navigate the negative associations that cling to the character of Shylock? How do his own experiences with anti-semitism inform his assessments? How do you reconcile problematic ideas in works of art that you love and admire? Don’t need quote any sources. Use your own ideas.

Examine the representation of tradition and/or community in Shirley Jackson’s story, “The Lottery.”

Examine the representation of tradition and/or community in Shirley Jackson’s story, “The Lottery.” Are the characters enthusiastic or reluctant to participate in the lottery? What is Jackson’s implied commentary about tradition and/or community CRITICAL ESSAY STORY: “THE LOTTERY” BY Shirley Jackson WORDS: 1000-1250 Write 5 paragraph First Paragraph: introduction (THESIS AND ESSAY MAP) Second Paragraph: […]

Write an analysis of the following articles: Ian Bogost’s “So Much for the Decentralized Internet”

For this assignment, write an analysis of one of the following articles: Ian Bogost’s “So Much for the Decentralized Internet” Virginia Heffernan’s “Steely Eyes, Tragic Ends: The Bromantic Theory of History” Marie Henein’s “Breaking the Law: How the State Weaponizes an Unjust Criminal Justice System”   Your essay should be double spaced, in Times New […]

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