Which male age group is experiencing the stress level, “A little stress that would be expected with the ups and downs of life” at home the most?

Executive Summary: Working With Tableau—Analyze Data Descriptive statistics describes a data set. It is used to summarize and organize the data into something more manageable, actionable, and ready for presentation. It can also help organize data and present a business problem in an understandable manner. You can use descriptive statistics to understand and analyze the […]

Choose a state, other than Arizona and a state that has already been discussed, and provide a brief history of implementation and use of the highest used energy source.

Coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy are AZ’s top energy generators. Choose a state, other than Arizona and a state that has already been discussed, and provide a brief history of implementation and use of the highest used energy source. If you live outside of the US, you may use the country in which you […]

Choose a country in sub-Saharan Africa, and explain where their energy comes from and why they represent a country that is energy impoverished.

Choose a country in sub-Saharan Africa, (but NOT Somalia, Madagascar, Liberia, or Sierra Leone) and explain where their energy comes from and why they represent a country that is energy impoverished. Be sure to include what the GDP is and what this number says about the country. (For example, the GDP of the wealthy US […]

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