Based on the current pace of change in the workplace, the most effective and efficient method of delivering training “on the job” is to have the front line supervisor train the employees.What do you think of this statement, do you agree? Explain your answer.

• Based on the current pace of change in the workplace, the most effective and efficient method of delivering training “on the job” is to have the front line supervisor train the employees. • What do you think of this statement, do you agree? Explain your answer.

Would you recommend the organization redistributes decision-making power in a different way? If so, what potential benefits would this have to the group?

One decision all organizations must make is how power and decision-making authority must be shared. As discussed in Chapter 7, organizations may either be centralized, decentralized, or a combination of both, when it comes to who makes the decisions. Think of an organization with which you are familiar. This may be somewhere you have worked, […]

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