Briefly explain Taylor’s argument in the article entitled Determinism. What is the strongest point in his argument? What is the weakest point in his argument?

Please answer 3 of the following five questions. Each answer should be a minimum of 300 words. 1. Briefly explain Taylor’s argument in the article entitled Determinism. What is the strongest point in his argument? What is the weakest point in his argument? Please give reasons to support your position. 2 What is Stace’s view […]

Discuss your own position using specific examples and ideas from both your own experiences and Law head’s book

Weekly Assignment 3 (due Tuesday, 2/8 by 11:15 a.m.) Note: Please read the Compatibilism section in Lawhead before writing your weekly response. Think about your own views regarding determinism and freedom. Which position is closest to your own ideas: hard determinism, libertarianism, or compatibilism? Discuss your own position using specific examples and ideas from both […]

In what respects does determinism challenge the idea of free will?

Two Discussion Questions on Determinism, Libertarianism, Compatibilism and Hard Determinism   Determinism and Libertarianism: In what respects does determinism challenge the idea of free will? Likewise, why do libertarians believe that the determinism is false? Ultimately, is the libertarian right that free will and determinism are incompatible, or is free will an illusion? Please consider […]

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