Discuss Data Mining Methods that are appropriate for your project problem.

Review the German Credit DataSet (Links to an external site.) (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(German+Credit+Data)) in the attachment. It has 1,000 observations. Train, test and validate a neural network with the first 980 observations and however many neurons in the hidden layer as you like. Take a look at the data and remove a few attributes that you think […]

Conduct the preliminary analysis by running one of the data mining techniques (e.g. clustering, or regression). Interpret and report the preliminary results of the analysis.

Data Mining Project Identify the datasets to be used for your data mining analysis. The project should utilize at least two publicly available datasets, which have not been used in any other assignments in the class. Submit the following items for this assignment: A short description of the datasets Links to the dataset An explanation […]

Come up with a practical case for data mining, that could employ clustering with a new set of conditions that would allow group records and won’t fit into the existing paradigm of simple similarity with the equal treatment of all variables.

Data Mining Come up with a practical case for data mining, that could employ clustering with a new set of conditions that would allow group records and won’t fit into the existing paradigm of simple similarity with the equal treatment of all variables. For example, a dataset of anonymous commuting rides may be deanonymized with […]

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