Did these scriptures change or confirm your views about how criminal procedure should operate according to each topic? How does our current system deal with each topic?

Criminal Procedure and Scripture Did these scriptures change or confirm your views about how criminal procedure should operate according to each topic? How does our current system deal with each topic? How could our current system change  to deal with each topic in a more biblical manner?

Explain the framework for suspect investigation.

Module 3 reading criminal justice Required Reading: • Shumaker, J. (March 2013). Social media, smartphones play key role in investigations. St. Joseph News-Press (MO). Retrieved from EBSCO multisearch database in the Touro library. • Social Media for Law Enforcement, from Implementation to Investigation [Video File]. Retrieved from • Standards on Prosecutorial Investigations. Retrieved from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/criminal_justice_section_archive/crimjust_standards_pinvestigate.html […]

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