tWhat is assistance of counsel?Is this a violation of Peter’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel? Fully explain your answer

Prior to presenting your discussion postings: Watch and read constitutionus-effective-assistance-of-counsel. What is assistance of counsel? For example: Two college friends, Richard and Peter are arrested by the Capital City police. They are accused of murder for setting fire to the Capital City University administration building one night and causing the death of a janitor in […]

Write a two-page (maximum) essay addressing actual SHARP issues from your environment – unit, organization, or Army – and making recommendations on how all leaders at all levels can implement potential solutions.

Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout my unit? Write a two-page (maximum) essay addressing actual SHARP issues from your environment – unit, organization, or Army – and making recommendations on how all leaders at all levels can implement potential solutions. Title: “Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to […]

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