What are two apparent contradictions surrounding Jesus’ teaching about the law? How would you resolve this difficulty?What dies this say about the author and his purpose?

Select ONE of the articles below from IVP’s Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels: • Matthew • Old Testament in the Gospels • Midrash • Discipleship • Table Fellowship • Sermon on the Mount/Plain And select ONE of the prompt questions below: • List and describe two or three structural features that are evident in […]

Whose conduct is being directed/governed and by whom? What evidence is there of the use of ‘negative power’ , especially related to the social work role?

Be careful not to simply ask close-ended questions as you want to be able to engage with the document. And provide a reasonable argument about your conclusions. So, ask yourself what is being said or implied using these questions as a guide: • Who defines the problem? • Who defends the solution? • What is […]

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