What are the core principles of the Constitution? Why has the Constitution endured for over 200 years? How is the nature of federalism influenced by the early debate between these two groups?

How (or in what ways) does the Constitution reflect a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists? Why did we need a new constitution? What were the concerns of the Anti-Federalists? What were the concerns of the Federalist? What plans were involved in this compromise? Which part of the Constitution reflects the interests of the […]

What do you do during a typical day?, what impact do you think you have on the juvenile offenders you work with?, how has your job changed over the past 10?, how would you change your job?

The training and experience necessary to obtain that position The areas where persons in that position typically exercise discretion, examples of how they exercise that discretion, and why The main legislation or statute(s) that created or currently regulates that position Ways in which the constitution affects that position, with examples Any other information that interests […]

Discuss this statement and critically evaluate whether any reforms are needed, with reference to at least two sources of the Constitution.

QUESTION: “Recent events in British politics have stretched the capacity of our constitutional norms to their limits.” (M Russell, ‘Boris Johnson has shown why Britain’s constitution must be reformed’ (The Guardian 6 Sep 19) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/sep/06/boris-johnson-britain-constitution-reform accessed 16 November 2020) Discuss this statement and critically evaluate whether any reforms are needed, with reference to at least […]

Writing a one to two (1-2) page paper for each scenario that examines specific information regarding the events using your knowledge of the Constitution.

It is important to understand your responsibilities as a criminal justice professional when engaging with citizens. This assignment is broken into three (3) parts and you must complete each part of the assignment. Each part includes a text or video scenario to which you will respond by writing a one to two (1-2) page paper […]

After watching any ten short videos in the playlist Constitution, present a list of ONE concept/lesson learned from EACH of the chosen ten videos.

Description 1. After watching any ten short videos in the playlist Constitution, present a list of ONE concept/lesson learned from EACH of the chosen ten videos. It is important to IDENTIFY EACH VIDEO for each of the concept/lesson learned.

Can the U.S. have a national health system? Why or why not? What role does the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution play?

Discussion Debates about healthcare reform almost universally compare the U.S. system to that of the U.K. or Canada, national health systems. Can the U.S. have a national health system? Why or why not? What role does the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution play?

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