How might current changes in federal, state, and local policies influence decisions to be made?

Time Value of Money You are the chief financial officer at a community hospital. One of the comments that has come back from patient surveys is the need for a commercial 24-hour pharmacy within the hospital. Include and discuss the need for working capital to include 2 months of startup drug inventory, vendor financing arrangements, […]

 Illustrates the computation of hospital training costs and productivity loss costs and estimates a cost for system changes and upgrades in order to arrive at a total hospital ICD-10 conversion cost.

Illustrates the computation of hospital training costs and productivity loss costs and estimates a cost for system changes and upgrades in order to arrive at a total hospital ICD-10 conversion cost. We have numbered the paragraphs for easy reference. (And FYI, when the scenario below says “we” it means CMS, not the authors.) To further […]

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