How does a lack of diversity in decision-making roles impact what we see in mainstream media and advertising? What impact does this have on us as consumers?

Watch the film Miss Representation on Kanopy. NEIU has a subscription to Kanopy, so you have access to the site with your NEIU student ID. You will need to register for the site before you can watch any videos.   After you watch the movie, relate what you’ve seen to what you’ve read in your […]

Write a journal on the Movie Spartacus

 Journal on the Movie Spartacus 1. The journal should incorporate the student’s own ideas and interpretations with the topics presented to the class, and needs to be 3 pages long. Films the student watches should relate to a variety of fundamental topics—a movement, a director, a genre—introduced throughout the course. The journal must evidence breadth; […]

Select a communication event, related to your goal, for which you will prepare covertly.

Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Part 5 & 6 In Part 5, you will imagine implementing the new behaviors you identified in 4E. In Part 6, you will practice your new behavior by role-playing with a family member or close friend who is not directly involved in your goal. It is still not time to actually […]

Reflect on your interaction with the interviewee holistically. Describe the interaction in its entirety.

Demographics: 68 year old female Hispanic with complaint of Right knee pain. Patient has no known allergies to food or any medication Reflect on your interaction with the interviewee holistically. Describe the interaction in its entirety: include the environment, your approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and […]

Discuss the effects of deforestation, its causes ,history and law involve in Pakistan.

Deforestation in Pakistan Discuss the effects of deforestation, its causes ,history and law involve in Pakistan. Research papers will be double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins all around. The paper will describe and discuss in detail any of the topics covered during this course. The first draft should be a minimum […]

Explain effective communication norms in a business setting.

The significant principles of management communications used to successfully achieve organizational objectives Research Paper The Research Paper will be a comprehensive research review of the significant principles of management communications used to successfully achieve organizational objectives. For this assignment of a minimum of eight pages, you need to integrate material from the readings, multimedia, and […]

Point out what is the issue(s) with each survey question, and how would you revise each question.

Point out what is the issue(s) with each survey question, and how would you revise each question. 1. On the scale from 1 to 7, how great is our hard-working customer service team? 2. On the scale from 1 to 7, 1 being “strongly disagree” and 7 being “strongly agree”, how much do you agree […]

Evaluate the importance of the internal environmental factors that include the cultural, language, political, and technological differences that will affect the team-building process.

You are employed at a large, global, high-tech company that has offices worldwide in places such as Tokyo, London, Bombay, Toronto, Mexico City, Chicago, and Seattle, to name a few. Although sales have been reasonable these past few months even with the global economic crises, an internal crisis exists related to employee morale being at […]

Choose someone you know who is from a significantly different culture than your own. Write a formal academic paper about the cultural elements of this person.

Choose someone you know who is from a significantly different culture than your own (look for differences in things like country/region of origin, ethnicity, language, religion, time orientation, etc.). This person should be an unbeliever (or you will need to pretend that they are an unbeliever for the sake of this paper), and they should […]

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