Classification/Distinction: Expand on the basic compare and contrast perspectives by discussing a specific topic as it relates to broader categorization and/or clarify the classification system that can be applied to a large group of topics.

Classification/Distinction Essay Objectives: 1. Expand on the basic compare and contrast perspectives by discussing a specific topic as it relates to broader categorization and/or clarify the classification system that can be applied to a large group of topics. 2. Write an essay with a clearly stated thesis and purpose by reaching conclusions about the way […]

What boundaries does Rose write about here? What acts of classification do these boundaries serve?

Prompt number two on page 308 of the “I Just Wanna Be Average” PDF reads: This essay is from Rose’s powerful book Lives on the Boundary. What boundaries does Rose write about here? What acts of classification do these boundaries serve? Respond to this prompt with a five-paragraph essay, making sure to cite once in […]

What boundaries does Rose write about here? What acts of classification do these boundaries serve?

Prompt number two on page 308 of the “I Just Wanna Be Average” PDF reads: This essay is from Rose’s powerful book Lives on the Boundary. What boundaries does Rose write about here? What acts of classification do these boundaries serve? Respond to this prompt with a five-paragraph essay, making sure to cite once in […]

What boundaries does Rose write about here? What acts of classification do these boundaries serve?

Prompt number two on page 308 of the “I Just Wanna Be Average” PDF reads: This essay is from Rose’s powerful book Lives on the Boundary. What boundaries does Rose write about here? What acts of classification do these boundaries serve? Respond to this prompt with a five-paragraph essay, making sure to cite once in […]

Explain in details what are the differences between Classification and Division?Do you think Classification and Division are good tools to use in an academic paper?

Good Evening! Hope All is Well.** This is a DISCUSSION not an ESSAY! 1. Do you think Classification and Division are good tools to use in an academic paper? Explain 2. Explain in details what are the differences between Classification and Division? Explain your answers.

Classify college students by looking at their study habits

Classification is the process of grouping together people or things that are alike in some way. A simple classification would be to classify cars in terms of their body size: full-size, mid- size, compacts, and sub-compacts, or Delgado Community College in terms of its different campuses. These groups or categories, are helpful in letting you […]

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