Present your community-oriented policing program, including a specific program that addresses this phenomenon. Be very specific; you are presenting this to your department and community. use the Los Angeles, California area as the community.

Imagine you are the chief of police of your local community and have decided to implement a community-oriented policing program. One of the issues confronting your community is a phenomenon found in some urban communities called Stop Snitching. Through the stop snitching project, we learned that many communities, police leaders, and prosecutors have been working […]

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain in a one page paper why you selected them.

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain in a one page paper why you selected them.

Compare and contrast the  economies,  social structures, and political institution policies that have organized life in California across three of the following four periods of California history.

Compare and contrast the  economies,  social structures, and political institution policies that have organized life in California across three of the following four periods of California history. Your response should be specific and analyze precise evidence/examples drawn from multiple course sources to support your claims about the similarities and differences you observe  

What power does man have to influence events? The word resource implies something to be used, yet how far should man go?

What is man’s personal responsibility toward the natural world, toward what is termed natural resources? What power does man have to influence events? The word resource implies something to be used, yet how far should man go? There are great conflicts between jobs and the environment. Does the need to preserve the redwood forests outweigh […]

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