Are there points you want to add or go more in-depth with to support your thesis? Did you proofread for mechanical errors?

Write an organized essay that has both focus and shape. 1. Do some brainstorming, free writing, reaction, etc. to come up with an essay topic. It could be a topic from your Reader Response in the last Unit, or it can be a whole different topic. 2. When you get a specific topic, create a […]

What do you hope your outcomes will be? Based on the responses you receive; you will then know what direction to go in when brainstorming possible solutions. What do you hope to gain from the use of technology?

DB Response – LG – Leadership – What is causing or caused the apprehension in using new technology in the classroom? Having parents and employees to complete a survey or questionnaire where they can voice their concerns about the technology will give you an outline. What do you hope your outcomes will be? Based on […]

How is the term defined in an academic dictionary or as dictionary of surnames like the Oxford English Dictionary or The American Heritage Dictionary?

ENGLISH 1101: Composition Definition Essay: Surnames, Denotative and Connotative Meanings Dr. Flail Names are important, perhaps more important than we realize. Names are also words, whose meaning can be multifaceted and can change over time. Words often have multiple shades of meaning. Typically every word has a denotative meaning, which is its literal everyday meaning, […]

How well do you feel this essay met its stated objective? Why do you feel this way?

Write a paraphrase of your reading selection’s thesis–you will need this for your Summary and Analysis Essay. Additionally, make notes to yourself regarding the effectiveness of this reading’s thesis and purpose. How well do you feel this essay met its stated objective? Why do you feel this way? (This will serve as brainstorming for the […]

What does “everything” actually mean as a way to consider what family is, how we define it, think about it, and how we might compare it to other kinds of relationships in our lives?

You may not know what the point of your reflection is until you’ve written about it by brainstorming and reflecting on the notes you take. Begin by working to develop a strong sense of your subject with sensory details; help us to smell, see, touch, taste, and hear your subject with concrete language. Let your […]

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