Find one original scientific nutrition paper on the assigned topic published in the last five years. Review only one research article

Article Review  Maternal Nutrition (conception nutrition)/fertility & nutrition Directions: Find one original scientific nutrition paper on the assigned topic (topics you can choose from are listed above for each review) published in the last five years. There are many topics possibly chosen for each review. For example, for article #1, you can choose any research […]

Research a substantive pertinent article from a relevant academic or professional journal or periodical.

Article Review Students will be required to research a substantive pertinent article from a relevant academic or professional journal or periodical. Students will submit a 2-page synopsis (an in-depth summary of the content of the article) of the article plus a 2 to 3-page analytical report comparing/contrasting the content of the article to selected principles, […]

Read and review a current article (published within the last 6 months).

article review Introduction New technologies enter our world every day and bring with them excitement as well as concerns. It is important to learn about new technologies and be an informed consumer in these times of rapid change. Read and review a current article (published within the last 6 months). A list of suggested sources […]

Write a 500 word critique of the following article. Demographic Trends in the United States: A Review of Research in the 2000s by Andrew J. Cherlin, in Journal of Marriage and Family June 2010, v 72:3 (403-419).

Social Demography Write a 500 word critique of the following article. Demographic Trends in the United States: A Review of Research in the 2000s by Andrew J. Cherlin, in Journal of Marriage and Family June 2010, v 72:3 (403-419).

Critically review the article below: Vanderberg, A., & Capodagli, B. (2015). The “Ottawa way” thrives. Public Management, 97(6), 14-18. In the review, be sure to include an analysis of the article.

Article Review   Critically review the article below: Vanderberg, A., & Capodagli, B. (2015). The “Ottawa way” thrives. Public Management, 97(6), 14-18. In the review, be sure to include an analysis of the article. Provide details and evidence to back up your analysis from the article. What are some of the significant points used in […]

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