How is Winston from 1984 similar to Antigone or the prisoner in Plato’s cave? How is he different? How is Winston’s world similar to the one in which we find ourselves living today? How is it different?

The key, as you learned from Paper 2, is in the thesis. DO NOT claim that the Question is relative to the individual UNLESS you can provide a convincing argument based upon reason and evidence that it is so. Also, do not be vague, such as in “to be human is to have relationships” or […]

How does this understanding of gender differ from the works of the ancient Greek writers we have read?

Provide detailed evidence, including excerpts from the literary text. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the themes, genres, cultures, time periods, and texts that are this week’s focus. Question: Sappho and Murasaki Shikibu represent the first two female authors we have encountered in this course. In your Week 1 paper, you were asked to consider how […]

Contrast the effects of power on Creon in the play and on Orwell’s narrator in “Shooting an Elephant.” How does the political power in each story shape Antigone or Orwell for the better or for the worse?

1. Contrast the effects of power on Creon in the play and on Orwell’s narrator in “Shooting an Elephant.” How does the political power in each story shape Antigone or Orwell for the better or for the worse? 2. Compare the tension that arises between legality and moral justice in “Shooting an Elephant” and Antigone. […]

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