Describe the views of Americans concerning the nation’s progress on matters related to race. How do people believe things have changed under the Administration of Donald Trump and how do they view his handling of racial issues?

Pew Study on Race in America Before beginning this assignment, make certain that you have read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”). Then read pages 4-16 of the Pew Research Center report, Race in America 2019 (see link below), and write a brief report. The report should contain three separate sections […]

What is the best explanation for mass incarceration in America? How do we get political leaders and/or policymakers to address the issue of incarceration and racial disparities?Explain

What is the best explanation for mass incarceration in America? How do we get political leaders and/or policymakers to address the issue of incarceration and racial disparities?Explain

In your opinion, what changes, if any, do we need to incorporate into our systems of corrections? What do we do about corrections in America today? Discuss in detail. Support your opinion.

Corrections in America This module is extremely content heavy but still only brushes the surface of the many issues facing modern corrections. You have seen the theories and purpose of corrections, the reality of what is happening in our correctional facilities and related institutions, and been exposed to some of the conversations and alternative ideas […]

Discuss the final results leading to the demise of or continued rise of the movement or group.Explore incidents of radical ideology in American history that have resulted in violent extremism.

Exploring radical ideology in America In our course materials, we are introduced to the concepts of political and religious radical ideology. Access the following link, Bomb Explodes in Capitol Building, reviewing the events presented in This Day in History presentation of the Weather Underground. • After completing your review, explore incidents of radical ideology in […]

Describe what you think are the most important factors that shaped America into the country it is today. Are there certain people/events/issues that had the most impact on today’s society?

Since WWII, American society changed drastically and there are still people alive today who experienced it all. Using at least 5 primary sources from the American Yawp Reader chapters assigned in Unit Three, describe what you think are the most important factors that shaped America into the country it is today. Are there certain people/events/issues […]

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