Describe some achieved and ascribed statuses you possess that are important to your identity. Make sure to label which is achieved and ascribed to. Why are those statuses important to your identity?

Part I Describe some achieved and ascribed statuses you possess that are important to your identity. Make sure to label which is achieved and ascribed to. Why are those statuses important to your identity? Discuss how at least one social factor (i.e., culture, demographics, occupation, group membership, or social class) impacted at least one of […]

Understanding the Social Issue: Explain which social institutions are involved in the social issue and how they are involved.

Understanding the Social Issue Describe the title of your TED Talk and who you would like to see in your audience. Then address the following: Understanding the Social Issue Describe your chosen social issue from Week 1 and explain why it is important to address. Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue […]

Critically Compare Marxist and Functionalist theories of socialization,

Task 1: Critically Compare Marxist and Functionalist theories of socialization In your assignment you should: Make sure you include: A critical comparison of Marxist and functionalist theories of socialization (2.1) Formatted as an essay which must be fully referenced (4.1) Task 2: LO2 and 3: Presentation on culture, socialization and identity In your assignment you […]

Double Consciousness: In your estimation, is the concept of double consciousness relevant today? Why or why not?

Double Consciousness In your estimation, is the concept of double consciousness relevant today? Why or why not? Is the concept of double consciousness applicable to other populations (e.g., LGBT, women, other ethnic or religious groups)? If “no,” explain why not. If “yes,” discuss how so. Do you think double consciousness is the result of racial […]

Write a paper of at least 450 words in which you do a critical summary of chapter 12.

Chapter 12 Critical Summary. Write a paper of at least 450 words in which you do a critical summary of chapter 12. A critical summary involves putting the key ideas of several small sections of the chapter in your own words and then, after that, in a paragraph or two discuss the strengths and weaknesses […]

Family Psycho-social Assessment: Identify the agency where the family is receiving services. Briefly describe its mandate and mission.

Family Psycho-social Assessment The paper will be 7 pages in length 10 maximum The purpose of this assignment is for students to complete a family-focused psycho-social assessment. This will involve you watching a movie from pop culture that highlights family dynamics. Some suggested movies are: – What’s Eating Gilbert Grape – Mrs. Doubt fire – […]

Ethnography: Why did you choose this site? How did you feel about it going in according to your own history?

Ethnography Assignment – Write a report (a paper) of what you have found using the following three sections: Positioning yourself as the researcher: Why did you choose this site? How did you feel about it going in according to your own history (age, race, gender, background, etc.)? What assumptions did you make about this culture? […]

Reflect on your fieldwork or other professional experience, and identify a case where it would have been beneficial to employ resiliency theory. Describe the case in 2 sentences.

Instruments Measuring Resiliency To Prepare Read this article listed in the Learning Resources: Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton K. (2013). Assessing resilience: A review of measures across the life course. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 10(2), 111–126. If you don’t have field experience that applies to this Discussion, you can apply other social work […]

Research the debate over whether governments should increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour and, based on your research, write an essay that answers this question: Should the government of Manitoba increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

Workers’ rights Research the debate over whether governments should increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour and, based on your research, write an essay that answers this question: Should the government of Manitoba increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour? Essay must: explain both sides of the debate; make a clear and logical […]

Discuss Georg Simmel’s analysis of group size.Define and characterize the DYAD and the TRIAD group. How have you experienced OR witnessed Dyadic and Triadic relationships in your life?

George Simmel’s analysis; Characterize the DYAD and TRIAD group. Discuss Georg Simmel’s analysis of group size.Define and characterize the DYAD and the TRIAD group. How have you experienced OR witnessed Dyadic and Triadic relationships in your life?

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