Evaluate the framed office and residential dwelling house in terms of identification, descriptions and functions of all elements, their construction methods and materials using terms appropriate to construction technology.

1. Prove through research the building meets the criteria set out above with regard to the correct aging of the properties above and present the evidence to support your assertions 2. Include an ordnance survey map clearly identifying the chosen building showing the area surrounding the building all at a suitable scale, the full address […]

Critically assess the scenario above, and using your current knowledge of property law, write an essay to advise the Air Cadets on:Whether the huts, and Portakabins are tenant’s or landlord’s fixtures?

The local Air Cadets occupy land and buildings to the south-east of the redeveloped airfield under a standard business tenancy. They use a number of huts (erected around 1990) and two Portakabins (sited around 1995) for their training activities. There is also a shed, built of stone, that was erected when the airfield was an […]

What should the town centre be like in the future and how will this be affected by contemporary trends in town centre usage?

1. What is the Purpose of This Assessment?The following table shows which of the module learning outcomes are being assessed in this assignment. Use this table to help you see the connection between this assessment and your learning on the module.Module Learning Outcomes Being Assessed1.Identify the nature, use, strengths and weaknesses of various implementation tools […]

Evaluate how performance impacts on/contributes to the overall performance of housing organization.

You have been asked to present a paper to new employees on professionalism in housing. Your paper should include: Task A 1.1. An explanation of the difference between being a member of a profession and acting professionally; 2.1. Identify a range of key skills required to be a successful housing professional. For each, explain why […]

Was value created and how?

Stakeholders: Furthermore, the BWP was facilitated by the interrelations amongst various stakeholders with the primary being joined by a public-private partnership forged by a joint-venture agreement between the Serbian government and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) investor, Eagle Hills. However, other key stakeholders such as the City of Belgrade, Urban Planning Institute and the Republic […]

What methods can an agent use to source information from the Regulatory Authority identified in Q5?

Short Answer: What methods can an agent use to source information from the Regulatory Authority identified in Q5? A: Legislation can readily be sourced online (WWW.legislation.old.gov.Au, WWW.legislation.gov.Au, WWW.austlii.edu.au) ***TRAINER FEEDBACK : This is ways / methods you can source information from the regulatory authority being the OFT What methods can an agent use to source […]

Explain your involvement in the group process, what did you do and how did you do it?

The individual piece of work should be in the order of 2500/3000 words (plus appendices, comparable s, marketing particulars etc) and should provide a critique of your groups’ work; it should include comment on what you would do differently and why.  Explain your involvement in the group process, what did you do and how did […]

Discuss why the market value of commercial property in central London can rise and fall over time, in particular over the last 3 years. Does pro-active management improve return?

‘Discuss why the market value of commercial property in central London can rise and fall over time, in particular over the last 3 years. Does pro-active management improve return? Give examples where capital values change and where overall return changes in the last year.’ This assessment accounts for 50% per cent of the total assessment […]

Analyze four to six examples of differences that exist between the two leases and examine the significance of these differences.

Residential Lease vs. Commericial Leases   The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to examine the differences that exist between commercial and residential leases. Prepare a paper (not including title and reference pages) that addresses the following: 1. Select both a residential and commercial lease to examine. Describe the content […]

Evaluate the different valuation options for real estate.

Property Evaluation Evaluate the different valuation options for real estate. Your evaluation should include an assessment of the benefits or shortcomings of each option and when they are each appropriate. Evaluation should include, but is not limited to, the following necessary requirements: gross income multiplier, breakeven ratio, IRR, cap rate, and NPV. Then apply those […]

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