Are there any ethical concerns identified in their report, or do you have any concerns after reading the report?

Research Methods in Public Administration “The mission of The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission is “to conduct policy analysis, program evaluation, and oversight of state agencies on behalf of the Virginia General Assembly.” Visit their website and select one of their recent studies to review for this assignment. Write a summary of their evaluation, […]

Discuss your views of equity, diversity, and social justice and what that means to you as a future professional in the library and information field.

This must also be two to three pages typed and double-spaced. In this statement, discuss your views of equity, diversity, and social justice and what that means to you as a future professional in the library and information field.

Should strategic planning replace comprehensive planning for the purpose of developing a city development a plan?Discuss.

CONCEPTS AND ISSUES IN PUBLIC PLANNING Answer the following questions in APA format. Two paragraphs per question. 1- Discuss your preference for “incrementalism” or “mixed scanning”. 2- Comment on the legal basis of planning in its relationship to the 4th and 5th Amendments of the Bill of Rights. 3- Comment on the Pruitt-Go and Cabrini […]

What are some of the most and least diverse species in your local area? Why is biodiversity important? What are some of the benefits of biodiversity?

Case Assignment From the Background readings above, address the following questions for your case assignment in the form of an essay. Complete a 2-3 page paper using complete sentences for each question and APA formatting for citations. Include any citations used to support your research. For additional expectations, including how to organize your assignment, see […]

What are the patterns of growth and development in the community which prompted this project? Discuss the factors causing this growth.

In a concluding section, discuss the concepts and issues of this course as they relate to this project as follows: Why is this development being proposed? What are the patterns of growth and development in the community which prompted this project? Discuss the factors causing this growth. Discuss the development history of the community and […]

Define the public relations situation or problem your client is facing.Describe how you will evaluate your plan when it is finished to see if it succeeded or failed.

The final project for PR 3311 is to assemble a short strategic plan document for your client company or organization. This should be about 2-3 pages and uploaded as a Word document. It should include the following sections: -A detailed description of your client and their mission. -Define the public relations situation or problem your […]

Identify relevant population statistics for your population and general background information about the problem.H How low socioeconomic status effects young children in education.

For Assignment 2, you developed a research topic and related questions about a problem and a population group that you are interested in studying. For example, problems that kids who are aging out of foster care may encounter; what type of interventions are helpful for adolescents with substance abuse problems; what causes homelessness, etc. Revise […]

How will Sustainable Development support the Universal Aspirations discussed in our CSR class? Discuss.Define 21st Century Globalization, and give examples?

Globalization and Social Welfare 1. Define 21st Century Globalization, and give examples? 2. Tommy Douglas is known as “The Father of Medicare”, discuss his contributions to the Canadian Welfare State and give examples? 3. How will Sustainable Development support the Universal Aspirations discussed in our CSR class? Discuss! 4. Context: Health Canada recently declared the […]

What do you notice about the paragraph now? Do you recognize the method, the different sentence types?

What do you notice about the paragraph now? Do you recognize the method, the different sentence types? Perhaps more importantly, do you recognize the role that each of these plays within the paragraph and within the essay itself? Consider the following breakdown of each sentence. You are writing an expository essay at this stage of […]

What are the causes of housing instability for single adolescent mothers? Are housing vouchers or section 8 an effective intervention for reducing housing instability in this group? Does level of family stress make a difference in housing stability for these mothers?

While some of you may have many research questions that interest you, others may have difficulty coming up with one. Some steps that may help you formulate your research topic and questions are to think about a certain group and a particular social problem, social or psychological phenomena, or interventions for that group . Then […]

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