Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your research question and will aid in interpretation of results.

The scholarly community does not know… Typically, this is a 1-sentence statement addressed by The purpose of this quantitative study is… Typically, this is a 1-sentence question unless you have more than one research question. Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe […]

Explain others’ behavior in terms of dispositional attributions rather than situational ones.

Attribution •Inferences Made about the Causes of Other People’s Behavior •Dispositional Attributions •Situational Attributions•Self-serving bias •Make situational attributions for our failures but dispositional attributions for our successes •Ex -A student gets a good grade on a test and tells herself that she studied hard or is good at the material but when she fails, she […]

Did you complete an outline? Did you include some detail with the outline? Did you consider appropriate document type required for the scenario and each audience?Explain your answer.

Scenario and Drafting an Outline Things I’m looking for while grading . • APA or MLA format- Yes or no • Meets assignment guidelines, did you complete an outline? Did you include some detail with the outline? Did you consider appropriate document type required for the scenario and each audience? Did you include the video […]

Discuss something you learned about the history of psychology in Ghana before the 1700s. What stood out to you the most? Why?

Answer the following questions based on the provided reading materials. 1. What challenges exist around having discussions on the history of psychology in Africa? Why? 2.Discuss something you learned about the history of psychology in Ghana before the 1700s. What stood out to you the most? Why? 3. What are the key differences between the […]

Describe how these papers contribute to our understanding of the field. E.g., do they provide evidence that a phenomenon or effect only occurs in certain contexts? Does one paper not replicate an effect?

Your paper should be written for a general academic audience. You can assume general knowledge of psychology but avoid jargon that could only be understood by someone with expertise in the field. To write your paper, you should: 1. Identify a topic of interest from one of the three lectures above. 2. Identify two academic, […]

Do people who practice the custom view it as a human right violation?Are there members of the identified cultural group who view this practice as inappropriate? What do they say?

For this LA, research two customs that may violate deeply held values of your culture. Discuss those customs in detail from their cultural perspective. Then answer the following questions: Why is this custom continued? Does the practice violate a human right? Why/why not? What is your view of the practice? Do people who practice the […]

What is the difference between Mindless versus Mindful Persuasion? Provide examples of each and talk about how this form or persuasion is achieved. What are the lasting effects of each type of persuasion?

Remember how the discussion assignments work. You need to respond to one discussion question with an essay of 400-600 words with at least two references. This is due by 11:59 pm on Thursday. By Sunday, you need to submit two responses of at least 75 words to people who, ideally, answered questions other than the […]

Discuss at length what strategies you see present in the video and how effective those strategies are at persuading consumers to change their behavior?

1. Watch the following Front line episode that explores the different methods marketers and advertisers employ to discover what we want and how to sell it to us in the consumer and political realms. After reading the chapter, discuss at length what strategies you see present in the video and how effective those strategies are […]

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