Many people choose Clinical Psychology as a career because they are interested in helping other people. Beyond wanting to help others, please describe your reasons for pursuing a career as a clinical psychologist. Specifically, indicate why you would like training at the doctoral level rather than at the master’s level.

Clinical Psychology Program answer the following two questions in two separate documents (approximately 500 words each) 1. Many people choose Clinical Psychology as a career because they are interested in helping other people. Beyond wanting to help others, please describe your reasons for pursuing a career as a clinical psychologist. Specifically, indicate why you would […]

Examine the psychological and physiological stresses that POWs experienced during captivity. Discuss the coping mechanisms used in captivity.

POW Review Paper The experience of captivity carries stresses that are unique in the broad discussion combat and combat related trauma. Examining the conditions endured and methods used to survive such conditions is necessary to gain context of the POW experience. Examine the psychological and physiological stresses endured by POWs and the resulting long-term physical […]

Describe a recent accomplishment in your life and explain it in terms of at least two theories of motivation discussed in the text. Compare and contrast the theories of motivation you chose to explain your example.

Motivation and Emotion & Theories of Personality Option 1: This week we learned about several different theories of motivation including, McClelland’s theory of motivation, drive reduction theory, arousal approaches, incentive approaches, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Describe a recent accomplishment in your life and explain it in terms of at least two theories of motivation […]

Synthesize and explain the work of Watson and Rayner with Little Albert.

In addition to writing a 300 word answer to each essay question with APA formatted citations and references (APA title page and reference page are required. Answer each question thoroughly and completely, providing examples where required. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required for this exam. Answer the question below .   Synthesize and […]

Synthesize how a person might learn to be embarrassed by the word strawberry.

In addition to writing a 300 word answer to each essay question with APA formatted citations and references (APA title page and reference page are required. Answer each question thoroughly and completely, providing examples where required. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required for this exam.   Answer the question below.   Synthesize how a […]

Evaluate Garcia’s work on taste aversion. Explain how his work differed from most studies of Pavlovian conditioning.

In addition to writing a 300 word answer to each essay question with APA formatted citations and references (APA title page and reference page are required. Students will answer each question thoroughly and completely, providing examples where required. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required for this exam. Answer the question below.   Evaluate […]

How do the experiments of Carolyn and Arthur Staats help us understand prejudice?Explain

In addition to writing a 300 word answer to each essay question with APA formatted citations and references (APA title page and reference page are required. Students will answer each question thoroughly and completely, providing examples where required. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required for this exam.   Answer the question below   […]

Compare and contrast classical conditioning and operant learning.

In addition to writing a 300 word answer to each essay question with APA formatted citations and references (APA title page and reference page are required. Students will answer each question thoroughly and completely, providing examples where required. A minimum of 6 scholarly references are required for this exam. Answer the question below in your […]

Identify and discuss researchers’ ethical responsibilities when conducting research.

1. Identify and discuss researchers’ ethical responsibilities when conducting research. You must discuss: What a researchers ethical responsibilities are (FYI… a good resource other than your textbook is the American Psychological Association – you could google it and find this information easily)? Discuss. Why these ethical responsibilities important? Discuss What could you do to ensure […]

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