If you were a member of the U. S. Supreme Court would you rule for South Dakota or the United States government? And why?Discuss

Federalism-a South Dakota case South Dakota’s legal drinking age was 19 years old. Young people from neighboring states with higher drinking ages would drive to South Dakota to buy beer. Selling beer was also profitable for small businesses so that there were many business supporters of the current state drinking age. Congress then passed a […]

If you were a member of the U. S. Supreme Court would you rule for South Dakota or the United States government? And why?Explain

Federalism-a South Dakota case South Dakota’s legal drinking age was 19 years old. Young people from neighboring states with higher drinking ages would drive to South Dakota to buy beer. Selling beer was also profitable for small businesses so that there were many business supporters of the current state drinking age. Congress then passed a […]

Which of our forty-six presidents do you believe is the greatest?[1] And why do you believe so? Submit a cogent argument for your position.

American Presidency President Barack Obama is my choice for the greatest President. In this course we examined, among other things, the powers of and limits on the American presidency, as well as the relationships between the president and other major actors in the political system. And we studied presidential leadership during time of war and […]

If you were a member of the U. S. Supreme Court would you rule for South Dakota or the United States government? And why?

Federalism-a South Dakota case South Dakota’s legal drinking age was 19 years old. Young people from neighboring states with higher drinking ages would drive to South Dakota to buy beer. Selling beer was also profitable for small businesses so that there were many business supporters of the current state drinking age. Congress then passed a […]

In your opinion, should Washington have intervened earlier in the Syrian Civil War to topple the Assad regime or defeat ISIS? Explain your reasoning.

In your opinion, should Washington have intervened earlier in the Syrian Civil War to topple the Assad regime or defeat ISIS? Explain your reasoning. Cite examples if you can. We have spent a considerable amount of time throughout this course discussing the negative effects of the Arab Spring, such as violence, empowered Islamists, and external […]

Describe how judges will be chosen for each court and must discuss how judicial and attorney ethical standards will be structured and enforced.

New State Of Puerto Rico Create a court system for the newly created state of Puerto Rico. Work under the assumption that Puerto Rico has just been admitted as the 51st state and build your court system from the bottom up. To be certain you understand how courts are organized in other states, Research at […]

Critically analyse and provide insights based on research evidence into how the policy/programme has been implemented and the impact of the policy in the chosen development context.

A critical analysis of the National Education Policy 2020 India First, provide some background of the NEP 2020, then discuss the significance and relevance of the programme/policy in relation to historical context and theories Critically analyse and provide insights based on research evidence into how the policy/programme has been implemented and the impact of the […]

How does Veyne conceptualize Foucault’s theory of history and the attendant methods Foucault employs in carrying out this distinct form of historical inquiry?

Select and respond to one of the three topics indicated below. TOPICS 1) In his Foucault, Veyne takes great care in establishing Foucault’s theory of history, especially with regard to discourses, historical formations, and dispositifs. Given these central concepts, along with any others you may deem essential to this end, how does Veyne conceptualize Foucault’s […]

How would you run a city council campaign? Think about how you would position yourself to run for office, how you would organize your campaign and what you would do to win the election.

City council campaign How would you run a city council campaign? Think about how you would position yourself to run for office, how you would organize your campaign and what you would do to win the election.

Write a 5 paragraph essay on propaganda.Analyze the primary messaging in each text and its implications for media and other sources of information that people encounter.

Propaganda Write a 5 paragraph essay on propaganda. Use all 3 of these sources below for evidence. Refer to each of them in the 3 different body paragraphs. Analyze the primary messaging in each text and its implications for media and other sources of information that people encounter. Your essay should clarify the authors’ explanations […]

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