In your essay, first identify the two topics in this lesson that you found most interesting and important, and explain why.

Concepts of Physical Science In your essay, first identify the two topics in this lesson that you found most interesting and important, and explain why. Think about the six main topics addressed in this lesson: force and motion, the nature of matter, theories of sound, aspects of light, how electricity works, and magnetism. In your […]

Recreate James Watt experiment on Horsepower

Recreate James Watt experiment on Horsepower Unicorn Horsepower Exercise Introduction You will endeavor to undertake the momentous task of recreating James Watt’s experiments on power; however, you will use a different creature (instead of ponies)… the majestic unicorn. You will determine just how powerful the unicorn is. Experiment The goal of the experiment is to […]

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