Write an essay that briefly explains the concept of Duty of Care and how it relates to the case Liebeck v. McDonald’s. What were the implications of the case for the food business?

Read and view the following: Duty of Care: Cornell University Law School. (n.d.). Duty of care. Retrieved from https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/duty_of_care Rosenberg, M. G. (n.d.). Learn what really happened in the McDonald’s coffee case. Retrieved from http://www.mgrlaw.net/mcdonalds.htm Video: Democracy Now! Archives (2011, January 25). The story behind the infamous McDonald’s coffee case & how corporations used it […]

What are the requirements for an instrument to be negotiable? In your answer, give an example of a negotiable instrument and a non-negotiable instrument from your experience.

Electronic Funds Transfer Act 1. How is a check different from other drafts? 2. What are the requirements for an instrument to be negotiable? In your answer, give an example of a negotiable instrument and a non-negotiable instrument from your experience. How do the requirements of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act effect your understanding of […]

Examine the national Common law legislation as it relates to the Queen’s Chain, as a mechanism of balance / counter balance for continued growth, equitable access to, use and enjoyment of the natural resources of the Queen’s Chain and the Sea.

The Civil code: A Safety Net In a Common Law Jurisdiction (Saint Lucia)? Hypothesis: How the Civil Code of Saint Lucia Revised Laws, Cap. 4.01 safeguards against the monopolization of the Queen’s Chain, Use of and Access to the resources of the Sea. Saint Lucia is a unique hybrid jurisdiction of French Civil codification, and […]

Write an essay that briefly explains the real property principle of Eminent Domain and summarizes the case Kelo v. The City of New London and its implications for business.

United States Department of Justice. Read the following: The United States Department of Justice. (2015). History of the federal use of eminent domain. Retrieved from http://www.justice.gov/enrd/history-federal-use-eminent-domain Poppel, S. D. (2006, May). Pennsylvania limits exercise of eminent domain in the wake of Kelo v. City of New London. Retrieved from https://businessdocbox.com/Government/67780628-Pennsylvania-limits-exercise-of-eminent-domain-in-the-wake-of-kelo-v-city-of-new-london.html Write an essay that briefly […]

List 3 additional intellectual property protections SOPhiGEo, LLC can obtain as the corporate IP owner for this widget in the United States, and for each provide:Name and brief general definition of the type of IP;

ESSAY QUESTION FACT SCENARIO: YOUR EASSAY IS BASED ON THESE FACTS: George and Sophia are entrepreneurs who together own a limited liability company. SOPhiGEo, LLC. They are inventors and have invented a widget that can be plugged into a mobile phone or personal computer to detect unsolicited third-party access of camera and/or audio recording features […]

Distinguish among the various possessory ownership interests in real property. Identify the characteristics of nonpossessory interest in real property.

Business Law system and the basics of business operations; specifically: Agency and employment (the individual relationship with the employer) Business Organizations (The legal organization and status of business activities) Business formations: Sole proprietorships and partnerships Business formations: Corporations Property (The “stuff” that organizations own and use to do business) Real property (Real estate) Personal Property […]

Write an essay that briefly explains the real property principle of Eminent Domain and summarizes the case Kelo v. The City of New London and its implications for business.

Read the following: The United States Department of Justice. (2015). History of the federal use of eminent domain. Retrieved from http://www.justice.gov/enrd/history-federal-use-eminent-domain Poppel, S. D. (2006, May). Pennsylvania limits exercise of eminent domain in the wake of Kelo v. City of New London. Retrieved from https://businessdocbox.com/Government/67780628-Pennsylvania-limits-exercise-of-eminent-domain-in-the-wake-of-kelo-v-city-of-new-london.html Write an essay that briefly explains the real property principle […]

After reading the chapters and viewing the videos, comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the various business formations. What would you recommend to an entrepreneur just starting out?

After reading the chapters and viewing the videos, comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the various business formations. What would you recommend to an entrepreneur just starting out? Attached are the slides for the chapters. Videos:

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