Should triple-hearsay evidence be admitted and considered by district courts when sentencing a defendant under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines?

Determine the Headings for the Appellate Brief (a) indicates that the QP should not be “argumentative,” the question can, and indeed should, advocate a particular position favorable to your client. Allowing an initial opportunity for persuasion to slip away is akin to standing on rather than stealing a base because the catcher should have a […]

Analyze the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric in the course syllabus. The maximum percentage points earned for this assignment is 20%. Grading Embedded Rubric: Research Projects Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Needs work (2) Inadequate (1) 1. Analyze the rule of law in public administrative procedures.

Evaluate the relevance of the data used to support the thesis of the article. In your evaluation, include the author(s) research methods and target population.Summarize the article’s thesis and main points in one to two paragraphs.

Select and analyze a scholarly article on victimology. You may use this week’s required readings to guide you in your selection of a contemporary victimology article. In a critical analysis of the article, evaluate empirical data regarding crime victims. In your paper, you must: Summarize the article’s thesis and main points in one to two […]

What impact does victim blaming have on the victim and society?Explain the victim’s contribution to crime.

The study of victimology brought awareness to the plight of victims of crime and also yielded the concept of victim blaming. This week’s required readings analyze the rise of victimology and provide a foundation to begin understanding the field. Address the following in your initial post: What is victim blaming? What impact does victim blaming […]

What are three factors increasing the likelihood of victimization?In your explanation of the victim’s contribution to crime,discuss at least one individual and one structural level factor.

Individual and Structural Factors of Victimization This week’s required readings discuss several factors that increase an individual’s likelihood of being victimized. These factors exhibit on both the individual and the structural levels. Address the following in your initial post: What are three factors increasing the likelihood of victimization? In your explanation of the victim’s contribution […]

What academic arguments best explain why people desist from committing crime?

Crime Theory This essay is based on policing in the UK and NOT American Policing. use UK based academic sources only. What academic arguments best explain why people desist from committing crime? Make use of academic sources, construct, an argument that flows throughout the question. Do not use first person. Put an introduction at the […]

Examine the global business environment and explain why countries benefit from trade with each other.Identify how a market economy functions and the role of government within it.

Economy functions 1. Demonstrate an understanding on the key elements of the internal environment of organisations and the interaction with the external environment. 2. Identify how a market economy functions and the role of government within it. 3. Examine the economic environment within which businesses operate in the United Kingdom 4. Examine the global business […]

Describe how you might leverage the strategic capability of IT and the organizational structure to create and maintain high performance teams and a learning organization.

Elementary College Physics: Lab Report – (DC Circuits) Identify the organizational design and competencies of the organization. How behavior is affected by various organization design structures. Explain how information technology (IT) contributes to high performance teams and learning organizations. Describe how you might leverage the strategic capability of IT and the organizational structure to create […]

Should limits, restrictions, and safeguards be placed on police powers? Why/why not and if so, to what extent? Apply at least one example and one academic source to address the question.

Should limits, restrictions, and safeguards be placed on police powers? Why/why not and if so, to what extent? Apply at least one example and one academic source to address the question.

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