Identify and discuss two (2) measuring techniques/graphs/or ?’s that provided a good, concise representation of a complex idea or discussion.

Micro Economics chapter 7 Assignment #3 Term Paper Requirements for “New Economy” Chapter Reading – Identify and discuss in your words three (3) major analysis/discussions that were introduced in your chapter. – Why did you like them? – Are they relevant to today’s current issues? – Explain how each identified analysis/discussion utilized two or more […]

Identify one graph or model from the required readings capable of illustrating the data set in the analytic analysis. Frame the relevance of the topic and the analytic analysis of a data set for the reader.

Strat Econ Critique Stratification economics are how intergroup disparities in economics can be studied with sociological and social-psychological concepts of racial bias. Rather than focus merely on human capital deficiencies, stratification economics recognize the differences in structural resources that account for economic inequality. Critical race theory is a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement of civil-rights […]

Watch the video below. Think critically about this question: Have you ever engaged in moral hazard – taking a bigger risk then you normally would – with a financial decision?

Watch the video below. Think critically about this question: Have you ever engaged in moral hazard – taking a bigger risk then you normally would – with a financial decision? Were there any negative consequences to this moral hazard for you or someone else?

Do you think price discrimination through coupons is fair? Should there be laws against this behavior? Why or why not?Explain

One method of price discrimination for firms is the use of coupons and rebates. Firms are basically allowing consumers to self-identify their respective price elasticities of demand for a product. Describe the last time you used a coupon or a rebate, and another time where you knew a coupon might be available and yet chose […]

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