Which do you think is the most accurate idea of popular culture?

1. Popular culture as mass culture says that popular culture is mindless trash requiring no critical thinking and minimal attention. 2. Popular culture as “getting better” where in the process of consuming popular culture [TV shows, movies, You tube videos, video games, for example] we see ourselves as needing to get above it, seeking those […]

What examples can you offer as proof that you cultivate and nurture the sanctity of your inner life and that you reflect on its meaningfulness?

Essay Question: Anna: An Animated Historical Short is a poignant film about the dramatic experiences of an enslaved woman named Anna. An early scene between the protagonist and her mother, Nan, showcases the sacredness of one’s inner life. Nan tells Anna to “guard safe her mind and her spirit.” She insists that Anna understand that […]

What evidence can you provide of your effort to “guard safe your mind and your spirit”? What examples can you offer as proof that you cultivate and nurture the sanctity of your inner life and that you reflect on its meaningfulness?

Essay Question: Anna: An Animated Historical Short is a poignant film about the dramatic experiences of an enslaved woman named Anna. An early scene between the protagonist and her mother, Nan, showcases the sacredness of one’s inner life. Nan tells Anna to “guard safe her mind and her spirit.” She insists that Anna understand that […]

What might be some solutions to close the gaps in poverty between gender, race/ethnic and health status groups in the elderly and bring them all above the poverty line?

1. What might be some solutions to close the gaps in poverty between gender, race/ethnic and health status groups in the elderly and bring them all above the poverty line? 2. Many seniors are not getting enough to eat and their debt is more than their income, should they have to continue into their 70s […]

What made this change suit God in’s definition of something artistic?

Define one external factor that you believe has an influence on you. Introduce it and explain what it is and why you believe it is a good choice for investigation. Write about the impact of this external factor. Assess how you may have had to change to adapt, or how you have taken action in […]

Describe in your own words a clinical population based problem you would like to examine.

Clinical population #1 Describe in your own words a clinical population based problem you would like to examine. With words and data, define and describe the population. Explain why you think it is important to address this problem. Write a clinical question using the PICO format. Recall, the acronym stands for population studied (P), intervention […]

What is your definition of “culture?”

What is your definition of “culture?” How do you define “family?” Who holds the most “status” in your family?  Why? How do you define success? Do you consider your parents to be successful? How important is education in your family? Is punctuality important to you?  Why or why not? What is the most important meal […]

Pose questions of cultural concern in regard to new or emerging technologies

Cell Phones  The final project is a presentation for an imaginary technology conference called in order to evaluate the impact of technology on culture. Students will pose questions of cultural concern in regard to new or emerging technologies and answer these questions in a multimedia presentation that uses scholarly research. The project will be completed […]

How do race and ethnic groups, housing, health, education, language, and religion define and shape the people of Puerto Rico?

People Of Puerto Rico Read the Article People Of Puerto Rico and answer the following: How do race and ethnic groups, housing, health, education, language, and religion define and shape the people of Puerto Rico? What aspects have been of special interest to you?

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