What factors affect the voluntariness of a confession? What is deliberate elicitation?

Voluntariness Summarize the due process voluntariness approach to interrogations and confessions. What factors affect the voluntariness of a confession? What is deliberate elicitation? What, for purposes of the Sixth Amendment approach to interrogations and confessions, are formal criminal proceedings? What are the Miranda warnings? When are Miranda Warnings required? Distinguish between custody and interrogation. Explain […]

Define the term “hate crime”. What is the purpose of hate/bias crime data collection?

1. The hate/bias crime problem: Define the term “hate crime”. What is the purpose of hate/bias crime data collection? What is the scope of hate crime nationally? What did a task force of the Crime Victims Center find in regards to the under reporting of crime by victims of hate crimes? (34 points) 2. Anti-Arab/Muslim […]

Do you agree or disagree that judges should be allowed discretion in sentencing?

Anthony Townsend Kronman of the Yale Law School writes: If judges are legislators and not adjudicators who are merely applying the rules they have been authorized to apply in the cases that come before them, what is it that gives their decisions legitimacy or authority? (Kronman, 1986) Take a position. Do you agree or disagree […]

Provide arguments for and against this notion, utilizing points and references from the Barak and Reiman texts.

American criminal justice system The idea of the American criminal justice system being slanted in the favor of the affluent and middle class, all the while subjugating the poor, is unfathomable by many and outright absurd by others. Given what you have read this week; Provide arguments for and against this notion, utilizing points and […]

Discuss how the results of your proposed study could be used to develop recommendations that inform the literature, policy, and practice.

Develop Expected Results and Recommendations section of CapstoneFor this assignment, you will draft the Expected Results and Recommendations section of your Capstone Project research proposal. Based on your understanding of your topic, the related studies/findings discussed in your literature review, and your own plans for proposed collection and analysis, consider what you would expect to […]

What characteristics of that job are sources of motivation, and what characteristics may lead to dissatisfaction or burnout?

Consider a specific job within the criminal justice system. What characteristics of that job are sources of motivation, and what characteristics may lead to dissatisfaction or burnout? How would you redesign the job to emphasize the first set of characteristics and reemphasize the others? Do you think others would agree, or are there important individual […]

Definition of racial profiling.Definition of criminal profiling.What is the difference?

Point 1:  Give a statement about a difference in racial profiling and criminal profiling. A. Definition of racial profiling. B. Definition of criminal profiling. C. What is the difference? D. Explain the problems and issues  Here are two ACLU a sites to help wit the issue: https://www.aclu.org/issues/racial-justice/race-and-criminal-justice/racial-profiling https://www.aclu.org/other/racial-profiling-definition?redirect=cpredirect/21741 E. Give racial profiling stats F. End […]

Provide a thorough explanation regarding the dissemination of information. Who approves the official statements, who provides the information to the public, how are rumors controlled, and what are the three basic categories of public information (explain each)?

Discussion Question Before, during, and after a natural or man-made disaster, authorities must keep the public informed to save lives and property. Provide a thorough explanation regarding the dissemination of information. Who approves the official statements, who provides the information to the public, how are rumors controlled, and what are the three basic categories of […]

Why is it critical that local leaders understand this connection between homelessness and the criminal justice system? Explain.

Click on the NPR podcast and review the Urban institute chart explaining the homelessness-jail cycle. https://www.npr.org/2012/12/06/166666265/why-some-homeless-choose-the-streets-over-shelters https://www.urban.org/features/five-charts-explain-homelessness-jail-cycle-and-how-break-it Answer the following questions a. Give a short overview of the video. (1-2 paragraphs) b. Why is it critical that local leaders understand this connection between homelessness and the criminal justice system? Explain. c. List and explain 2 […]

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