How do the police engage in the identification and enforcement of morality? What are the implications of having the police enforce standards of behavior?

The police are organized around the enforcement of not only the criminal law but also of moral behavior generally. How do the police engage in the identification and enforcement of morality? What are the implications of having the police enforce standards of behavior? Do the police, in fact, decide what appropriate moral behavior is?

How does this information impact the study of juvenile justice? What ideas do you have for using this information in the development of programs and services for juveniles, their families, and their communities?

How does this information impact the study of juvenile justice? What ideas do you have for using this information in the development of programs and services for juveniles, their families, and their communities?

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain in a one page paper why you selected them.

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain in a one page paper why you selected them.

What are your thoughts on Child Sexual Abuse? For the perpetrator of a crime, is this a mitigating factor that reduces culpability? How so or why not? Explain

“Acting-out behavior – running away, attempting suicide, engaging in self-mutilation, becoming sexually promiscuous, being on drugs, and having a high level of apathy” can be seen in teens who have been sexually abused as very young children. What are your thoughts on Child Sexual Abuse? For the perpetrator of a crime, is this a mitigating […]

What and how can we learn from this? -Discuss our reaction to this specific case – what is your take away and thoughts after watching the video?

1. Watch Ted talk: This Ted Talk is by Jennifer Thompson who was the victim of a sexual assault and then misidentified her attacker during the police investigation. When watching this video, think about what you learned in Chapter 10 on identification procedures. 2. Write a one to two page response to this Ted […]

Examine your selected country through a comparative lens, using what you have learned about the Criminal Justice System in the United States.

International Criminal Justice Project Pick a country other than the United States to examine its criminal justice system.Use the HFC Library or Google Scholar to find journals or articles about that country’s criminal justice system. You should have at least 3-5 resources outside of your textbook. For this pape: · Examine your selected country through […]

Is the article made by a public or private entity? Who is the author trying to reach (audience)?

Locate an article that covered the 2016 presidential election. Look for evidence in the article for priming, framing, and slant. Make sure to include in your assignment: Name of the article and its author Is the article made by a public or private entity? Who is the author trying to reach (audience)? Are they playing […]

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