Determine if a 40-ton HVAC system can earn points under Option 2 of EA Credit

Technology Management ETM 680 – Special Topics: Lean and Sustainable Engineering Midterm Exam 2 A 6-story rectangular commercial building with a footprint of 6000 ft2 is being built by a developer on a previously developed 0.8 acre site on Long Island. The project is slated to cost $15 million. 1) Answer the following about the […]

What possible interventions and remedies can be adopted to resolve the increasingly prevailing rate of childhood obesity in Hong Kong?Are small homes a major reason for childhood obesity in Hong Kong?

Prevalence of Obesity and Overweight among Children of Honk Kong due to Small Housing System. The questions which have been mainly designed for this research study have been mentioned below: •What are some major concerns of increasing rate of obesity among children in Hong Kong? •What are the reasons associated with increasing rate of childhood […]

How digital technologies can be used to enhance the skills and competencies relevant to your Degree subject area and your professional body requirements?

Your task is to write a descriptive academic essay linked to the following aspects: Digital technologies applicable to your degree subject area. How digital technologies can be used to enhance the skills and competencies relevant to your Degree subject area and your professional body requirements? Where your program me is accredited by more than one […]

Explain the unique design and redesign of old and new skyscrapers such as the One World Trade Center and The Empire State Building.

II. The early 19th and 20th century skyscrapers built in the United States – The definition, historical significance, and architectural style and how they represent the intrinsic values of human ability and achievement. A. Assess the materials, techniques and architects that were acclaimed during this period and why. B. Find examples of human values in […]

Provide a risk assessment for a land survey and a drone survey which could be on a typical construction site and evaluate software packages which may be used to facilitate surveying data from differing sources.

Digital Technologies in Surveying. 1. Provide an overview of appropriate surveying equipment currently used on development/construction sites in the UK and discuss their advantages and disadvantages 2. Provide a risk assessment for a land survey and a drone survey which could be on a typical construction site and evaluate software packages which may be used […]

Explain which tests should be performed on the vessel before it is returned to a floating condition and which tests should be performed once afloat. Explain how these tests should be conducted.

Your role is to produce a case study for the owner which will discuss the feasibility of the concept and discuss any calculations and tests which you would perform prior to the full scale project commencing. The case study should then discuss the design of the parallel middle body including structural arrangement and materials used. […]

Explain in detail, the various motions which the hull of this vessel may experience during this period of its passage.Describe the actions that could have been taken to reduce the effects of loading and wave action in this case.

Consider a 9 hold bulk carrier, loaded with alternate holds empty and, others full of Iron Ore, sailing on an ocean passage, in storm conditions. Explain how the wavelength is produced naturally and how various wavelengths would have differing effects on the hull structure in this loaded condition. Describe the actions that could have been […]

Summarize this paper in the post AND justify why you picked it. Also, think through and discuss a potential solution to this problem.

Choose a paper that you feel best describes the biggest issue for wildlife management today. it must either be a peer-reviewed and published in the scientific literature, OR you may also use any .gov or .edu website. Summarize this paper in the post AND justify why you picked it. Also, think through and discuss a […]

Analyze the visual characteristics of each, the inspiration behind them, and discuss the two different approaches to establish a modern architectural language and which one you believe more accurately captures modernity.

As society moved into the modern world during the 19th and 20th centuries architects felt it was their responsibility to develop a new architectural language that could appropriately accommodate the new world. Many architects felt that in order to achieve this a break from both historical precedence and academics was necessary. Two large movements that […]

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