What was the most horrific prospect of being a newly acquired slave on a sugar plantation in the Caribbean?What was the most horrific prospect of being a newly acquired slave on a sugar plantation in the Caribbean?

Analyze the effects of sugar on Caribbean slavery. What was the most horrific prospect of being a newly acquired slave on a sugar plantation in the Caribbean? Provide reasoning to support your answer. Analyze the effects of sugar on Caribbean slavery. What was the most horrific prospect of being a newly acquired slave on a […]

What specific system and institutional mechanisms  are involved with this issue, and why?

This portion will be talking about Pakistan’s history briefly. Then more about the history of the pathan population in pakistan, How did KPK form etc. What was the role of the British in Durand line, also talk about significant political events for the pathan community. Including, war on terror. Mention osama bin laden incident too […]

What do the anthropological theories proposed by your theorist have to say about historical and contemporary issues that you have experienced and/or we have discussed in class?

Your paper should respond to the following: 1) What is the role of the anthropologist and his/her contribution to understanding the processes of social change in the U.S. and beyond? How has that role changed over the course of their career? 2) What do the anthropological theories proposed by your theorist have to say about […]

Discuss the overlap of the disciplines of anthropology and history. What can the various sub-disciplines of anthropology contribute to our understanding of history?

Discuss the overlap of the disciplines of anthropology and history. What can the various sub-disciplines of anthropology contribute to our understanding of history?

Discuss the cultural, legal, and religious factors that you found to be similar across the different cultures and those you found to be the most strikingly different.  Include ideologies regarding gender roles, sexuality, reproductive roles and female reproductive autonomy, and medical technology in your discussion.

Assignment Directions: The video Midwives: A Global Perspective on Childbirth explores the influence of culture, law and religion on pregnancy and birth in 23 different countries.  Based on the interviews conducted with the several midwives from these different societies, discuss the cultural, legal, and religious factors that you found to be similar across the different […]

How is identity related to culture? Compare three different cultures in terms of how identity is formulated.

How is identity related to culture? Compare three different cultures in terms of how identity is formulated. Answer the question in an essay of not more than three (3) pages. Be sure to include citations and references for the material you quote and/or paraphrase from any source, including the course textbooks and the video programs. […]

How and why this individual’s life is affected by his particular culture and society?

Each student will conduct an interview with an individual from another culture and complete a paper based on the information gathered from that interview, . The paper is required to be a minimum of 5 pages, double spaced, size 12 font.  This paper needs to cover the background information of your interviewee and his/her individual […]

Is the law useful for the resolution of disputes?

Is the law useful for the resolution of disputes? This essay is for an anthropology of law module. It needs to reference these readings: Ellickson, Robert C. 1991. Order without Law: How Neighbors Settle Disputes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Ch 3 and 10] Grisel, Florian. forthc. The Limits of Private Governance: Norms and Rules in […]

How have previous scholars in anthropology addressed this topic or related issues?Where are the inconsistencies or other shortcomings in the current knowledge?

The literature review should relate to these questions, theories that have been used to explain this and similar matters, and previous work on the material or data. You are writing a dissertation in Anthropology , therefore the review needs to be grounded in the anthropological literature. It is essential to situate the work in this […]

Identify all the utterance(s) or single words that constitutes the “greeting(s)” in the video clips according to the criteria proposed in Duranti’s chapter in the Reader.

This assignment is organized in two main parts: 1) Transcription and 2) Analysis. The second part, Analysis, is further divided into 2 parts. In (2a) you are asked to find examples of greetings and greeting substitutes in the DATA. In (2b) you are asked to identify features of formality in the DATA. Part 1) TRANSCRIPTION. […]

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