What are some ways war and liberty have interacted in American history? You may want to think about war as a means to freedom or as an excuse for restrictions to be placed on freedom.

War and liberty What are some ways war and liberty have interacted in American history? You may want to think about war as a means to freedom or as an excuse for restrictions to be placed on freedom. You need to write at least 250 words in your JOURNAL. You don’t need to write more […]

Briefly describe specific policies at the federal, state and local levels that were responsible for racial segregation in housing in the United States. This section should be approximately 150-200 words.

Housing Segregation in America After reading Chapter 5 of your text on “Civil Rights and Public Policy,” and watching the documentary by Richard Rothstein, “Segregated by Design,” write a brief report that contains three separate sections that address the following questions. Please notice the expected word count for each section. 1. Briefly describe specific policies […]

What is the current status of campaign finance reform? Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process? Should there be limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and labor unions? Why? Why not?

Campaign Finance Spending What is the current status of campaign finance reform? Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process? Should there be limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and labor unions? Why? Why not? Be specific. Provide concrete examples.

Explain the differences between the federalists and Anti Federalist. Why did the anti-federalists want a bill of rights? Explain how this country would have been different had they not been successful in their push to add a bill of rights.

Cite valid sources throughout your midterm. Books are fine, including ours, but be sure to list page numbers. News articles are also valid. Any format is fine APA MLA etc. Cite with in text citations or cited page at end. These questions are open ended but remember stay on topic. If you quote something, please […]

Compare the 3 main underlying causes that led to the chaos and division in 1968 and 2020.

1968 & 2020 Essay Compare the 3 main underlying causes that led to the chaos and division in 1968 and 2020. My three topics are the Election (comparing the 1968 election with the 2020 election) Black Panthers( comparing the black panther group in 1968 to the BLM activists and protesters in 2020) Media (television, broadcast, […]

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