How do attitudes toward immigrants differ between Europe and North America? Based on migration history of ? (choose immigrant group), consider any “cultural baggage” that US (or your city or neighborhood) have inherited.

This is a list of essay topics for your consideration. You make select any of them and customize based on your interest, and make sure to answer where and why questions.
Give examples of changes in economy and culture occurring at global and local scales.
How are changes in the quota laws reflected in changing U.S. immigration patterns?
How do attitudes toward immigrants differ between Europe and North America?
Based on migration history of ? (choose immigrant group), consider any “cultural baggage” that US (or your city or neighborhood) have inherited. This baggage may include sports teams allegiance, food, religions, language, dress, and behavior.
Forced migration is considered as a subset of international migration. Discuss any current example(s) of forced internal migration.
Why new immigrant groups have always tried to recreate their homelands when they migrated to the United States?
Debate continues over whether English should be the official language of the United States and whether schools should teach in languages other than English. Give an argument for school being taught only in English, and one supporting teaching with other languages in our schools. Which argument do you support, and why?
Why do individual languages vary among places? Discuss by providing specific example(s).

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