How has your work on your group montage to reflect differently on some of the concepts, theories and/or readings from the module? Did the practical group work allow you to think differently about some of the key concepts or theories?

Individual Reflection  The task for this assignment is to write an individual reflective piece(1500 words), reflecting on (and contextualizing) your group work. The purpose of the individual reflection is two-fold. First, it allows you to provide a detailed account of the work you have been doing for the group montage(the poster suite). You will be able to explain in detail how the group work was created and, particularly, what your own role was in the construction of the group work. This reflection should be critical and thus not only focus on the successes, but also highlight the struggles and challenges that you faced while working in your group. Secondly, it allows you to context ualise the work you have been doing with help of the readings, concepts and theories from the module. In other words, by making references to key concepts and theories and by making  use of plenty of in-text references, you will be able to show how the theoretical discussions in this module (for example on the way we give meaning to images, the power relations that come with images and the complex and polysemic way in which we might read images) helped you in producing your group work.Please note: an individual reflection is different from a ‘regular academic essay’. The focus is much more on providing a critical/theoretical reflection on the practical work that you have been doing. You should not write an essay that is fully separate from the group work that you have created.While working on your individual reflection, consider some of the following questions. You don’t need to answer all of these in your essay. Do make sure, however, to discuss your group work both practically and theoretically.Reflecting on your group work (practically)

•How did you conceive of the idea for your group work? What was your particular role in coming up with an initial idea? Has the idea/setup of the group project changed over time? If so why and how?•What did you try to achieve with your poster suite? What was the intended message of your posters? How did you make sure that this intended message is picked up by the viewer? What kind of struggles and challenges did you face while thinking about how to communicate clearly to your audience?

•What was your particular role in the group project? What have you personally contributed?And how have you developed your own skills by working on the group project? How, for example, have your Photoshop skills grown during the last couple of weeks? And how will this help you in your future career?Reflecting on your group work (theoretically)

•How has the module helped to further your understanding and critical perspectives on media and visual culture? Which key readings/concepts helped you particularly to develop your critical understanding of visual media? And how have you managed to use some of those critical perspectives while working on your group work?

•Which key themes, concepts, theories and/or readings have provided inspiration for the group work?How have the different themes and authors that we discussed in the module helped to produce a practical group work that is critical and effective?

•How has your work on your group montage to reflect differently on some of the concepts, theories and/or readings from the module? Did the practical group work allow you to think differently about some of the key concepts or theories?

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