‘In the text you will prepare, you should specify in a separate title if you will refer to academic journals, books or trusted web resources.”
”Your text should be written with your own understanding and expressions. Try to include specific details and examples from your readings. An error-free and comprehensible text in separate sections or paragraphs of your paper should be put together under the headings below.”
-. File and Writing Rules for Project Proposal
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 pt
Line spacing: 1,5
Text color: Black
Page layout: 2.5 cm from the left, 2 cm from the right, 2 cm from the bottom and 3 cm from the top.
File format: Word or pdf
Number of Pages: Maximum 3 pages
-. Questions to answer
Answer the following questions in your own words and in clear language.
1. Please explain the three Branches of Language.
2. Please explain the similarities between Chomsky and Saussure.
3. Please explain Dialogical-Cultural Theory of Semiotics according to Bakhtin.
4. Please explain what is Language Game for Berne?
5. Please explain what is Sebeok’s Theory of Global Semiotics?