What is a retention management strategy for each of the two jobs assigned for you.

This element of course assessment accounts for 40% of your final mark (30% for the project and 10% for the final presentation). In preparing your final individual project assignment, you are expected to reflect on your own learning and provide in-depth analysis of the project. The key assessment criteria for your individual assignment project are the course learning outcomes (K1, K2, K3, S1, AR1 & RC1). A reflection on your own learning from the course, embedding it into the final project, and ability to link it with the course learning outcomes constitute a key element of your assignment evaluation and marking.
General Information
For the final individual project you need develop (1) a recruitment plan and (2) a selection plan/strategy, (3) an employment decision-making strategy, (4) a job offer, and (5) a retention management strategy for each of the two jobs assigned for you. You can find the jobs assigned for you at the end of this guideline. I selected thirteen general jobs (relatively low complex) and thirteen specialized jobs (relatively more complex) and I randomly assigned one general job and one specialized job for each of you. Jobs labelled with (a) are general jobs and jobs labelled as (b) are specialized jobs.
Due dates and format
This individual final project is due on 5 December 2020 (week 15). Please consider the following:
First, you need to write a 13 to 15 pages of final project report (4 to 6 pages for each job) and submit it before Saturday (5 December 2020).
Second, you need to present your individual final project report using PowerPoint slides during our last physical class. For this presentation, you need to prepare a 10 to 12 power point slides about your individual project and submit it on Monday (). (Rubric for presentation is attached)
This final project will worth 40% of you overall grade (30% for written report and 10% for presentation.
Detailed Guidelines:
You can find detailed information about the written individual project report below:
Step 1 – Recruitment Plan: Based on the job analysis information form O*NET (the links of O*NET are given in the third column) you need to develop an internal recruitment planning/strategy for one job and an external recruitment planning/strategy for the other job. You need to particularly focus on identifying which internal or external recruitment strategies would be best for these two jobs. For example, you could suggest the organization to use open recruitment instead of target recruitment, to use employee referrals and employee networks instead of other recruitment sources (e.g., employment websites), to use a realistic recruitment message instead of employment brand message, and to use direct contact and organizational websites instead of videos and videoconferencing. You need to discuss the rationale behind your decisions. In addition, you need to write a classified display ad (see Exhibit 5.7 on page 258) for the two positions you will recruit job applicants.
Step 2 – Selection Plan/Strategy: Based on the job analysis information form O*NET, you need to develop an internal selection strategy for one job and an external selection strategy for the other job.
External Selection Strategy: Your external selection strategy should include at least one initial assessment methods (e.g., resumes and cover letters, initial interviews, reference and background checks) in addition to application blanks. In related to this, you need to develop applications blank for this job (see Exhibit 8.4 on page 410). Your external selection strategy should also include at least two substantive assessment methods including but not limited to personality tests, ability tests, emotional intelligence tests, integrity tests. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of all these initial and substantial assessment methods, you should develop a selection strategy that you think is the best for that job. Again, you need to discuss the rationale behind your decisions.
Internal Selection Strategy: Your internal selection strategy should include at least one initial assessment methods (e.g., talent management/succession systems, peer assessments, self-assessments, managerial sponsorship, and informal discussion and recommendations) and at least two substantive assessment methods (e.g. seniority and experience, job knowledge test, performance appraisal, promotability ratings, assessment centers, interview simulations, and promotion panels and review boards). Considering the advantages and disadvantages of all these initial and substantial assessment methods, you should develop an internal selection strategy that you think is the best for that job. You also need to develop applications blank for this job (see Exhibit 8.4 on page 410). Again, you need to discuss the rationale behind your decisions.
Step 3 – Employment Decision Making: Let’s assume that there were 100 applicants for each jobs and you eliminated 50 applicants at the end of initial selection process and you included the remaining 50 applicants into substantial selection process. There are three vacancies for each job and you are going to hire three individuals for each position. You used at least two substantial selection methods so you are going to use multiple predictors to determine assessment scores. Which multiple predictor strategy (e.g., compensatory model, clinical prediction, unit weighting, rational weighting, multiple hurdles, and multiple regression) do you think is best to determine assessment scores. Later you are going to determine the passing score (Cut Scores, page 589), which cut score methods (e.g., minimum competency, top-down, and banding) do you think is the best to determine the passing score? You need discuss the rationale behind your decision regarding which multiple predictor strategy to use to determine each applicant’s assessment score and which cut score methods to use to determine the passing score.
Step 4 – Job Offer: You need to write a job offer letter that includes terms of employment and salary information (See Exhibit 12.4 on page 633 for a sample job offer letter)
Step 5 – Retention Management Strategy: You hired three individuals for each position and they started to work for your company. You want these new employees to stay with your organization as long as they are performing at the required level. This requires an effective retention management. Read chapter 14 and academic articles about retention management and based on these readings develop a retention management strategy that includes at least three retention management applications/methods (e.g., post-exit surveys, offering schedules conducive to work/life balance, promotions, career development opportunities).
What Should Be In Your Final Individual Project Report?
Introduction: A paragraph discussion of the aim of the project
Recruitment Strategy: A discussion of your recruitment strategy; two pages long, one page for each job
Selection Strategy: A discussion of your selection strategy; two pages long, one page for each job (18 points)
Employment Decision Making: A discussion of how you are going to make employment decision; two pages long, one page for each job
Retention Management Strategy: A discussion of your retention management strategy; two pages long, one page for each job
Conclusion: A one-to-two paragraph summary of and concluding remarks about the project
Job offer letter: Attach the job offer letters you constructed at the end of the report
Format: Double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, black font color, no space between paragraphs, 1 inch margins, between 13 to 15 pages (including job offer letters but excluding references). You need to use academic resources other than the textbook. There should be at least five academic journal articles in your reference list.
References: Provide Harvard style reference list of your resources

Student Job Title O*NET Job Analysis
Asma Alkhatri 1. a Skincare Specialist
1.b Public Relations Specialist https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/39-5094.00
Fatima Alqasemi 2.a Executive Administrative Assistant
2.b Business Intelligence specialist https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/43-6011.00
Ismaeil Al Jazmi 3.a Athletic Trainers
3.b Training and Development Manager https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/29-9091.00
Jassim Ahmad 4.a Baker
4.b HR Manager https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/51-3011.00
Khawla Albeshri 5.a Police detector
5.b Compensation and Benefits Manager https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/33-3021.01
Maitha Al Qmazi 6.a Registered Nurse
6.b Labor Relations Specialist https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/29-1141.00
Manal Al Blooshi 7.a Waiter and Waitress
7.b Marketing Manager https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/35-3031.00
Muna Al Ameeri 8.a Security Guard
8.b Accountant https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/33-9032.00
Noora Al Zaabi 9.a Cashiers
9.b Financial Analysts https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/41-2011.00
Saeed Al Bastaki 10.a Physical Therapist
10.b General and operations manager https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/29-1123.00
Shaikha Alblooshi 11a Elementary School Teachers
11b Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/25-2021.00
Asma Al Zaabi 12. a: Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists
12.b Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses https://www.onetonline.org/link/details/13-1161.00
Aaesha Saeed 13.a Computer and Information Research Scientists
13.b File Clerk https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/15-1111.00

Based on the above assessment criteria you will be awarded a grade shown in the grading scheme of the course syllabus. Please make sure to prepare, write and submit your own assignment and DO NOT copy others or do not use any previously submitted assignments for this or other courses. In order to prevent plagiarism, we use Turnitin software. Please observe the University policy for preparing and submitting your assignments. Let me know if you need further clarifications.

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