Choose a subset of CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors listed on SANS website and identify these vulnerabilities in selected systems.

system security, CWE/sans top 25 Most dangerous software errors 2019
Software: Other

Choose a subset of CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors listed on SANS website and identify these vulnerabilities in selected systems.

You need to complete a technical report to document your experimental outcomes and findings. The report should consist of 3000-3500 words (minimum 3000 words, single spaced, 12pt font, on the A4-sized paper).

The findings should include exploitation of minimal 3 software errors chosen from the top 25 list. Each error should have a different CWE ID.

This report needs to consist of following items:

an overview of the chosen software errors

description of the hacking environment

description of technical findings and supporting evidence in screenshots

critical analysis of technical findings

discussion and justification of potential remedy actions based on findings

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