Compare and contrast the various techniques utilized by the United States and the United Kingdom to combat and prosecute cyber crime. In addition, address the potential legal issues that can arise with official attempts at combatting cyber crime.

United States versus United Kingdom: Legislation to Prosecute

Throughout the years, governmental legislative bodies have attempted to draft laws and policies designed to combat cyber crime and protect the assets of individuals, corporations, and government entities. However, there is not yet a unified international code in existence that can effectively address the devastating impact of cyber crime. The United States has enacted the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), designed as the primary statute used to prosecute hacking cases, and has tasked the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) to investigate instances of cyber crime. In the United Kingdom, the Computer Misuse Act of 1990 and the Metropolitan Police Central e-crime Unit (PCeU) are used in efforts to combat cyber crime and enforce regulations governing the online medium.

In your 300-word initial post,

Compare and contrast the various techniques utilized by the United States and the United Kingdom to combat and prosecute cyber crime. In addition, address the potential legal issues that can arise with official attempts at combatting cyber crime.

Explain which of the two nations appears to have the most effective anti-cyber crime legislation currently in existence. Utilize the required sources to support your statements.

Holt, T. J., Bossler, A. M., & Seigfried-Spellar, K. C. (2018). Cybercrime and digital forensics: An introduction (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

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