Write a single paragraph describing an interesting topic in evolutionary biology and use the set of identified research papers to support the topic of: The evolution of cattle adaptation to heat stress.
- Size does matter: Parallel evolution of adaptive thermal tolerance and body size facilitates adaptation to climate change in domestic cattle
- Broad phenotypic impact of the effects of transgenerational heat stress in dairy cattle: a study of four consecutive generations
- Convergent Evolution of Slick Coat in Cattle through Truncation Mutations in the Prolactin Receptor
It will be a challenge to fulfill the requirements of the assignment within a single paragraph, but it is possible. Your paragraph should describe the background and main research question(s) (including why this question is important to evolutionary biology), the primary results and conclusions, and how the research papers are related to each other. You should include several sentences that attempt to synthesize the three papers into a broader context.
This synthesis should cover at least three of the following:
(1) why this research is of interest to evolutionary biology
(2) how results from these papers advanced the field of evolutionary biology
(3) problems or improvements with one or more of the studies
(4) new questions and research directions that arise from the papers you summarized.