Satirical Monologue or Letter: For this assignment, you will write a short humor piece that takes the format of either a satirical monologue or letter.

Satirical Monologue or Letter.

For this assignment, you will write a short humor piece that takes the format of either a satirical monologue or letter. We will discuss different examples of this type of piece, but it is essentially a fictional imagined speech or letter. This should not be a nonfiction personal essay from your point of view, but will instead be a fictional speech or letter from a character. Sometimes the character can be an inanimate object e.g. Trader Joe’s’ parking lot or it can be an imagined character like a man in an REI ad.

The piece you write should:

Be 400-1000 words
Be aimed at a specific publication. I once again want you to have a publication that publishes the type of piece you are working on. You should make writing choices in the piece that are aimed at the audience of that publication you select. It will probably be easiest to focus on a satire-specific publication for this.
Include good specific details.
Include humor. Note that I’m not going to grade you on how hilarious you can be, but I do want you to aim for humor using some of the devices we talk about in class.
Aim at a target/topic that isn’t “punching down” and that follows the workshop paper topic guidelines outlined in the syllabus
Include at least three possible titles for this first draft (your peers will give you feedback on which one works best)
Be free from grammatical or spelling errors

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