Medical Diagnosis- (Pathophysiology of medical diagnosis including definition, signs & symptoms and treatment/diagnostic measures) cite your sources. Explain why this topic is important to you.

  • Medical Diagnosis- (Pathophysiology of medical diagnosis including definition, signs & symptoms and treatment/diagnostic measures) cite your sources. Explain why this topic is important to you.
  • What are the Nursing Considerations for this medical diagnosis?
  • What subjective or Objective data will be present with this type of patient?
  • Was there any particular aspect of your education that helped with this assessment decision? Explain why?
  • Develop THREE Nursing diagnoses related to medical diagnoses (include primary physical, psychosocial and education nursing diagnosis).
  • Why did you choose them for this patient?
  • How did care planning at University help with this? Explain your response.
  • How would you plan your care for such a patient?
  • Do you foresee any difficulties with planning when caring for this patient and what or how would it impact your care process?
  • Use five implementation interventions
  • What institutional resources played a factor in accomplishing your plan?
  • What are the Nursing Considerations for this medical diagnosis? (Are there particular aspects that should be monitored such as lab values or etc.?)
  • What are some tasks that could be delegated if any, for this type of patient? Talk about that decision).


  • Use five evaluation interventions
  • Identify one best practice that could impact your care for this patient’s quality of care or patient’s safety.
  • What have you learned from choosing and presenting this medical diagnosis?
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